Sanctuary with Astara
This Sacred Space is for You.
A place created for you to come and be still, where you align with your Highest Good.
Allow yourself to remember that you are powerfully joined with Creation.
You are not alone.
You are supported by Great Spirit, God/Goddess, Angels, Ascended Masters and Guides who Love you.
Smile inside and say "Yes" to your goodness. The Universe is listening.
Gestures of Empowerment
* BREATHE: Breath is Life. Breathe deaply with consistency. Breathe to release stress, dissapointments, pain and other tensions. Breathe to increase energy and and expand the heart.
*MEDITATE REGULARLY: Simply take time to be still and listen.
Spirit speaks to us when we are quiet and available. Use music, sacred sounds or silence to enhance your meditation. This helps us re-charge and restore balance. Insights, answers, ideas, understanding and more can come to us through meditation. It is simply a quiet inner reflection moment.
*SPEND TIME IN NATURE: Enjoy the ocean, mountains, trees, streams, sky, sun, rain, moon, stars and more. Observe and listen to the birds, bugs, whales, dolphins and the four legged.
Nature speaks to us, guides us and strengthens us.
We are all significantly connected.
* BE KIND TO YOUR BODY: Feed your body the foods and nutrients that will empower it. Your body is a temple carrying you along your path. Honor your body and it will serve you well.
* BE CURIOUS: Look to the teachers and leaders of new thought and perspectives. Our world is rich with way-showers. Let's challenge ourselves to ask questions, seek new insights and expand our conscious awareness.
* FIND WHAT INSPIRES YOU: Let Inspiration nurture you. Inspiration is our Inner Voice and Creative forces speaking to us.
Share your inspiration with others. Be In-Spirit.
*BE IN APPRECIATION: Feel grateful for the experiences Life offers. Appreciation is an elixir that allows us to flow with our experiences. Appreciation enriches our Spirit.
An Affirmation/Prayer for you:
Honoring the services and products by Lightworkers, Humanitarians, Healers, Messengers, Artists
and more.
We are a Tribe dedicated to the Awakening of Humanity.
May our personal and collective
Light Shine!
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Links of Others:
Reiki Temple Chants CD
A delightful video worth watching.