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Harvest of Your Heart

by Astara E. Edmonds

A full version of this newsletter is available at this link, (Constant Contact)

From the Fall Equinox to the Winter Solstice, we can look to the harvest from our gardens and remember to look within to our inner harvest. From spring to summer to fall and winter, life gives us many opportunities for growth. Even our growth through adversity, challenges and surprises, we have an opportunity to grow on a soul level. What does your review of your experiences point out to you? Acknowledge any pain or suffering while looking for the “silver lining” or the “blessing in disguise”.

Faith in the face of change requires courage, patience and willingness to embrace new possibilities. Powerful planetary alignments continue to give us an opportunity to adapt. New direction is calling to us for many aspects of our lives based on our inner values. Change is at hand and we are being asked to take inventory of our lives in order to make wise choices that move us forward in positive and productive ways.

All the shifts and changes occurring on this planet require all of us to take honest inventory of our thoughts, beliefs, habits, patterns and actions. Acknowledging our growth with gratitude advances our well being, bringing more peace and security to our spirit. Peace is possible in a world full of changes and it begins with inner trust.

One aspect of change is how we respond to fear. Fear is a part of being human: fear of the unknown, of death, of differences in others, of differing religions, of political ways, of nature's extremes and more. Fear of disappointing, fear of speaking up, fear of judgment, fear of making a mistake, fear of not being seen or heard, fear of standing out and so much more. It's time to step out of the cycle of fear to the best of our abilities. This brings freedom and strengthens our ability to trust. Living life in integrity with kindness, generosity and the desire to learn and grow keeps us connected to living life in positive ways.

Trust is a significant part of our experience in choosing wisely. We are born into this world with a Soul purpose and plan. Our Soul guides us along our path through ups and downs, joys and sorrows and what we define as "good" and "bad". In this time of so much change, we must remember that we came here to to learn and grow as we experience everything. Some of our experiences are pleasant and fun and some are hard and challenging. There is purpose to it all even when we don't see it. That is where trust and faith come in.

Our heart space is our center. From this center we can operate with more intuition and feeling which in turn guides our mind. As our intuition continues to expand, so does our ability to accurately interpret situations in order to better guide ourselves in positive ways.

When we seek silence and quietude, we have the ability to connect deeply with our Source, our guiding light.

May we all be blessed in the expansion of our hearts, expansion in our understanding of each other with honor and respect along with expansion of our self love. We are all teachers for each other as we all grow in awareness and take important steps forward in loving stewardship of our earthly experience and Earth herself.

© 2022 Astara E. Edmonds. Articles may be shared with authorship noted.


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